Saturday, 15 February 2014

5 Seconds With 5SOS

Heyyyyyyy-ayyy, heyyyyyyy-ayyy, hey-e-aaaay

If you hadn’t already guessed, this post is channeling our inner fangirl as we talk about Five Seconds of Summer, who have recently released the single, She Looks So Perfect. Incase you don’t follow pop music, Five Seconds of Summer (5SOS) are a pop rock band from Australia. We recently saw them perform live late last year when they toured with One Direction. Before we go any further, we think you should take a listen to their new single which we have linked below.

By pure coincidence we happened to stay at the same hotel as 5SOS during the Australian leg of One Direction’s Take Me Home tour. Ashton, who is the band’s drummer, was the first member we met. It was totally unexpected as we were just casually walking around the hotel. We were so shocked but luckily managed to ask for a photo even in our state of utter surprise. 

On the second night at the hotel as we were grabbing a bite to eat we spotted Michael (vocals and guitar). Unfortunately, we didn’t talk to Michael very much but instead got talking to his security guard which was quite the laugh.  

After we had met Ashton and Michael we hoped to meet Luke and Calum, but we didn’t think that goal was very realistic. On the second night of our stay, we decided to go for a typical late night maccas run. We weren’t the only ones to have this thought, turns out Calum and Luke were doing the same. Of course, we had to ask for a photo. They were super friendly and we managed to chat for a bit, even though Calum was talking with mouthfuls of McFlurry. 

We are really proud of what the boys have achieved, we remember watching their YouTube video of Teenage Dirtbag in front of the Christmas tree and can’t believe how far they have come. We can’t wait for them to come back home to Australia and do some shows and to hear more of their music.We are excited to see what the future holds for these talented Aussie boys.  

Ellie with Five Seconds of Summer

Bec with Five Seconds of Summer

Let us know if you are a fan of 5SOS and if you enjoy their new song! :)

Reb-Elle xx

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Best Friends Tag

Three-quarter cargo pants so chic
We have been best friends for over ten years and decided to do a few of the questions from the best friends tag. Here are our answers:

1.   How and when did you meet?
We went to the same primary school but didn’t officially start talking until a chance encounter at good ol’ McDonald’s in 2002 (where friends are just fries away). We have been inseparable ever since, we work together, go to university together, we basically do everything together.
2.    What's your favourite memory together?
Without a doubt we both agree that our favourite memory we shared was our first holiday away together in Melbourne. It was a completely spontaneous trip as a result of winning a competition to see One Direction perform live at the Logies (Australia Television Awards). We were in awe as we walked down the red carpet and realised we had second row exclusive seats to see the boys perform and interact with the audience. Seriously felt like celebrities.
3.   Describe each other in one word.
Rebecca: I’d describe Ellie as....WISE
Ellie: Tough to sum up Bec in just one word but I would have to say 'enthusiastic'!
4.     What is something that annoys you about the other person?
Rebecca: Ellie sometimes purposely tries to annoy me which is probably the most annoying thing about her.
Ellie: Bec has this annoying habit of extending and exaggerating words when she is trying to prove a point. E.g. DOOOOOON-TA! Maybe it's just her enthusiasm talking...
5.   If you could go anywhere in the world together, where would it be and why?
This is easy, we’d say EUROPE! More specifically London, wearing our OnePiece jumpsuits in front of the Gherkin building (don’t even ask).
6.   Favourite inside joke?
If we tell you it would no longer be an inside joke. Sorry.
7.   Who takes longer to get ready in the morning?
Easily Ellie.
8. Do you guys have anything matching?
    Is this a trick question? We have so many things matching we've lost count. This is because we tend to hover to the same items of clothing when shopping.

Best friends: 'a brunette and a blonde with an inseparable bond'.

Tell us your favourite memories which you have shared together with your best friends.

Reb-Elle xx